Thinking Into Results - Kai Oja Consulting

Would you like to gain skills that will help you guide your life to the big goals that you have previously only dreamed of?

"Thinking into Results" is a 7-month long program that will show you how you can change your life by changing your thought patterns. This program is masterfully designed to create a paradigm shift and you will start to see a change in your results as soon as you start this program.

12 well thought out lessons, a supportive mentor and the synergy created by a group of likeminded people is what makes "Thinking Into Results" one of the most successful and transformative programs in the world. 

This is not just about attending a program, it is about truly changing your life. 


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How to discover and maximize your potential?

"Thinking into Results" has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world and has a proven track-record of success. It is a powerful system that has been time-tested for nearly 60 years. 

What does the program consist of?

  • A WORTHY IDEAL - Setting and achieving worthy goals

  • THE KNOWING/DOING GAP - Understanding the knowing/doing gap

  • YOUR INFINITE MIND - Using your mind to get the results you want

  • THE SECRET GENIE - Unlocking the secret

  • THINKING INTO RESULTS - The trick to staying in charge no matter the circumstance

  • ENVIRONMENT IS BUT OUR LOOKING GLASS - creating the environment and the team that you want

  • TRAMPLE THE TERROR BARRIER - Identifying and avoiding the landmine that will sabotage your success

  • THE POWER OF PRAXIS - Aligning you with you so we all win

  • THE MAGIC WORD - The magic of attitude

  • THE MOST VALUABLE PERSON - The leader is the most valuable person


  • MAGNIFYING THE MIND - The secret to increasing the power of your mind

What does attending the program look like?

  • Twice-weekly live group calls via zoom

  • Lifelong access to the program

  • Quarterly webinar with a representative of Proctor Gallagher Institute 

  • Four 1:1 calls

  • Private supportive Facebook group

  • Quarterly masterminds


Is "Thinking into Results" something for you? How much does the program cost? When can you start? 

To find answers to these questions, book a call below.

Book a call